Tuesday, January 13, 2015

A Tired Mind Rambles

I have been sitting here for 30 minutes trying to think of a powerful topic to write about today and although my mind is full of information, it seems to tired to process any of it. So I figured if I just started rambling maybe I could tie something together by the end of the post.

The trip is almost over and my days in the country have gone by quickly. I have learned and experienced more than I could have ever imagined I would, when I applied to this program. The amount of academic content that is packed into those daylight hours is overwhelming and exhilarating. Between lectures and being in the field, there hasn't been a day where I didn't learn something!  I cannot say that for my classroom time, back home! We spend our evenings exploring Mumbai and  shopping for things to remind of our travels in the future. Which now as I type this seems silly, because our lives have been changed forever and that is a souvenir none of us can find hanging in a store window.

Mumbai has shown me great love while I have been here. For as much as they suffer, the people also find ways to deeply love and honor one another. The people we have met in the social work field strive to change the injustices being seen within the boarders of this country. There are groups who have shown us incredible hospitality and I have enjoyed many cups of tea with brave and honorable people.

It is funny because before I left Kansas I worried about my place in this journey.  I contemplated my strength and courage to make this trip. Now, here I sit wondering why I ever gave any time to worry about this adventure.

So while my mind and body are tired, my soul is honored to have been chosen to take this adventure and be able to share it with you. Happy Wednesday Peeps. Love Big today! 

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